Dr. Anke Nestler


+49 69 460 96 59 50

Dr. Anke Nest­ler is a recognized expert with many years of ex­per­i­ence in complex ad­vis­ory mat­ters. Her ca­reer began in in­dustry. She then moved to the cor­por­ate fin­ance de­part­ment at one of the Big Four audit firms, where she advised national and international clients in com­plex valu­ation pro­jects with par­tic­u­lar focus on the valu­ation of in­tan­gible as­sets and cor­por­ate trans­ac­tions. 

As man­aging dir­ector, she was re­spons­ible for O&R Cor­por­ate Fin­ance – a firm work­ing to­gether with the in­ter­na­tional law firm Link­laters – for sev­eral years. Since 2008, she has been man­aging dir­ector of VAL­NES Cor­por­ate Fin­ance, which she foun­ded as a spin off from O&R Cor­por­ate Fin­ance. 

Anke Nest­ler is a pub­licly ap­pointed and sworn expert for the valu­ation of businesses and in­tangible assets (CCI Frankfurt/Main) as well as Cer­ti­fied Valu­ation Ana­lyst (CVA). As Cer­ti­fied Li­cens­ing Pro­fes­sional (CLP) she demonstrates her special expertise in licensing issues of intangible assets. 

Her main focus of activ­ity lies in the valu­ation of in­tan­gible as­sets, the de­term­in­a­tion of li­censes as well as company and share valuation. As an expert witness she prepares expert and arbitration opinions in litigation cases. She has extensive experience as expert witness in oral proceedings at court as well as in national and international arbitration proceedings.

Anke Nest­ler is member of the board of the LES Licensing Executive Society, leads the IP Valuation Working Group and is Vice President of the LES International IP Valuation Committee. She is also a member of the expert committee for business valuation at the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Anke Nest­ler has already been awarded several times by Who's Who Legal as Corporate Tax Expert Witness, Arbitration Expert Witness and as Consulting Expert in the area of Quantum of Damages.

Anke Nestler is the au­thor of nu­mer­ous pub­lic­a­tions, lec­turer at the Frank­furt School of Fin­ance and Man­age­ment and a frequent speaker at sem­inars and workshops. Anke Nestler is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Medios AG.

Mail Anke Nest­ler here.